Twin Falls Idaho

 We stayed at Rock park in Twin Falls Idaho which was some kind of county park located in the city. Twin Falls is known as a gateway to Snake River Canyon, which lies just to the north of the state. Shoshone Falls and Perrine Coulee Falls are located within the outskirts of the city and are beautiful to see. For me, and dating myself to a young fourteen year old who has had the love of motorcycles my whole life, it was seeing the place where my child hood hero attempted to jump the snake river canyon on his steamed powered rocket/motorcycle. In the early seventies, Evil Knevil had a large dirt mount and ramp constructed on land that e leased in 1974 to jump the canyon but quickly failed as his parachute deployed prematurely shortly after take off. None the less, it felt like we were standing on holy ground and was really fund to stand there and think about having watched that on TV. The city has beautiful greenways along the canyon that go right past the historical site. How cool!


Unknown said…
Very interesting and beautiful, Lissa and Roy!

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